SBM Financial Services can help with:
- Budget setting, and updating as priorities change
- Budget monitoring, and reports to headteachers, governors and the LA
- Payroll monitoring, and other finance tasks
- Supporting full use of the SAP system
- Staff and pupil database maintenance in SIMS
- Resources and support for audit and SFVS
- Fundraising – see below
- Absence cover for key staff
- School and academy finance consultancy
- Academy conversion and academy school finance
Fundraising Services
We can help you source funds, and apply for funding for projects from a variety of organisations. Our trained bursars can help you:
- Write bids which will maximise your chances of success, and then
- Pursue the funds on your behalf, or
- Guide your school through the process.
Independent, and affordable
Looking after the finances is a vital part of running a school.
It can also be time-consuming, and complex. We offer an independent and affordable service, which can be tailored to suit your needs. Once a week or once a year – you choose the level of support you require.
Our speciality is advice and support to Heads and Governors in strategic financial management, budget setting, and budget monitoring. We can also deal with routine financial matters, and offer short term cover for the absence of key finance staff in school.
Our bursars are highly skilled. They have many years of experience in school finance, and administration. They have worked in OCC’s Schools Finance Team, and/or worked as bursars and finance managers in both primary and secondary schools. Their experience is backed by professional and degree level qualifications in accountancy, finance and management
The advantages of choosing SBM Financial Services
- We work with a wide range of schools and academies, so whatever your financial challenges, we can help.
- We work quickly and efficiently, because we are specialists in what we do.
- We work as a team, creating a powerful information-sharing network, whilst maintaining absolute confidentiality for every school.
- All the costs, and the risks, of employing staff directly are met by us.